
Showing posts from August, 2018

15 Most Beautiful Types of Sunflowers

15 Most Beautiful Types of Sunflowers Summer is finally here and nothing says summer quite like the sunflower! With petals to match the sun’s glowing rays, it is no wonder these flowers are one of the most popular. Sunflowers make up the genus Helianthus which contains almost 70 different species. The meaning of sunflower is rooted in it’s genus Helianthus- helios meaning sun and anthos meaning flower. Grown year round, sunflowers have large flower faces and bright petals. Relatively easy to cultivate, sunflowers love direct sunlight and flourish best in hot summer months. Because of their large roots and long stems, sunflowers are heavy feeders and grow best in nutrient-rich soil. The most common sunflower is that of the species Annuus and is known for its ordinary height and yellow color. However, despite popular belief, not all sunflowers grow to be the same size and color. Because of the several different species that

Tulip Plants in America

TulipPlants in America Tulips form a genus of spring-blooming perennial herbaceous bulbiferous geophytes. The flowers are usually large, showy and brightly coloured, generally red, yellow, or white.

Dahlias come originally from Central and South America, particularly Mexico where they are the national flower

Dahlias  come originally from Central and South  America , particularly Mexico where they are the national  flower . In their homeland, their natural habitats are cool moist mountain slopes. Their  flowers  were prized for their beauty early on, and the Aztecs used the tubers as a food crop as well as for medicinal purposes.

Lily is a feminine given name directly derived from lily, the flower.

Lily  is a feminine  given name  directly derived from  lily , the flower. The popularity of the name increased steadily in most English-speaking countries during the late 20th century.   In the  United States , "Lily" became one of the top-100 names for newborn girls in 2002 and reached a rank of 18 by 2009.  In England in 2011, Lily was the 3rd most popular name for baby girls.   In  Northern Ireland , "Lily" increased in rank by 90 places in 2003, reaching the top 100. The name is derived from the flower, whose meaning is "pure", "passion" and "rebirth". Lily can be short for Lillian, Liliana or Lilith. It might be from the Greek word " louloudi " which means flower. Also read more flowers -   15 Most Beautiful Types of Sunflowers

Hibiscus syriacus

Hibiscus syriacus ::  Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. The genus is quite large, comprising several hundred species that are native to warm temperate, subtropical and tropical regions throughout the world.  

Dogbanes folowers - Blooming in India

Dogbanes folowers - Blooming in India Dogbane . Botanical Name: Coleus canina.  Dogbane  is a perennial herb from the mint family, which grows to 15 cm high or 30 cm when the  flowers  stalks appear. The plant takes on the appearance of a semi-succulent, with its light green leaves holding moisture and standing firm.

गेंदा का फूल - Marigold followers - Blooming in India

( गेंदा का फूल )  Marigold followers - Blooming in India Tagetes is a genus of annual or perennial, mostly herbaceous plants in the sunflower family. It was described as a genus by Linnaeus in 1753. The genus is native to North and South America, but some species have become naturalized around the world.