
Showing posts from August, 2019

Arthropodium cirratum: Rengarenga - Rengarenga Lily

Arthropodium cirratum: Rengarenga - Rengarenga Lily Botanical name:   Arthropoduim cirratum  Common name:  Renga renga lily The Rengarenga Lily is a hardy, adaptable garden plant with good form and is a prolific flowerer in spring. It is one of our most useful native plants. Endemic to New  Zealand, it grows in coastal scrub and cliff faces around the North Island and  top end of the South Island. I noted that it was growing naturally on Mount Manaia at the Whangarei Heads. It is a hardy garden plant with long and fleshy leaves, forming a solid clump. White to cream flowers with a touch of mauve appear in late November and December but it has a short flowering span. Flowers are held well above the leaves on long stems, and is evergreen. In flower, the dimensions  are 70cm x 70cm. It Thrives in most soils in either sun or shade. It is happy as a graceful water-side plant and is a useful accent in the border. Naturally, it is also a hardy coastal plant, and is useful on d